Showing posts with label LOTRO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LOTRO. Show all posts

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Seeing Lothlorien

Last week I finally made my way over to Lothlórien in LOTRO, and I love it!! The quests are pretty easy, mostly due to the fact that I'm about 5 levels higher than the area (because of festivals mostly). I got to meet a lot of characters including: Haldir, the Fellowship, Galadriel and Celeborn. I've already seen the Fellowship but that was in Imladris, so it's been a while!
Lothlorien may be the most beautiful place I've been to in the game (not counting the Shire!!), the colors change drastically throughout the "day." I completed most quests so now I'm going to move onto Mirkwood, and then Enedwaith and Rohan. I must get my war steed!

More photos below the cut.

Friday, April 18, 2014


This has been a pretty good week for Alellea, she got three new ponies, a bunch of new great maps and some other goodies from the anniversary festival.
This first pony is the Steed of Odogil which I actually really really love. I was bracing myself for another tablecloth mount that would make me feel unimpressed but that didn't happen this time. The colors are really nice, and so is the subtle design in the caparison. Then there's the gold part on the love love!!! His name is Astral.

Monday, January 20, 2014

LOTRO Character Bios

**Yes. I am aware not everything I've written is canon.**

 Alellea "Inkwell" Fairbloom (guardian): To help her mother, Alellea took on the role of second parent (only at age 20 - barely in her tweens) to her three younger siblings after her father died. Like her father, she studies the art of cartography and hopes to be as good as he was. She spends her time pouring over her father's maps and making her way across the Shire. As a few years went by she decided she wanted to see as much of Middle-earth as much as she can, something her father never got to do.
After her mom assured Alellea that she and the little ones would be okay she started her journey. She is often found in shops buying supplies for maps or silently sitting in taverns listening to live music by the fireplace. Alellea a fairly quiet hobbit and isn't quick to talk to new people but she's very kind and open to make friends. Though her surname is Fairbloom she has started to use Inkwell when meeting strangers, but once she becomes comfortable around someone she'll reveal her real name.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

What I've been up to in virtual Middle-earth.

I've been pretty productive this past LOTRO! I got Alellea, my guardian, to level 50 FINALLY. It seemed like it took forever. I've been questing in Forochel since I didn't feel like the Trollshaws was that much fun. I really really do like Forochel, especially at night! It's taking me a long time to become kindred with the Lossoth, I only just made it to ally this week. I am determined to get all of the cloaks! And the prized tundra steed.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Some character planning.

My LOTRO characters and their spouses. (This is mostly just a reference post for me)

  • Alellea Inkwell (hobbit guardian) - Hahlen Highbrook (hobbit burglar)
  • Malyndael Everfaith (elf hunter) - Elthiriond Silverfair (elf champion)
  • Niralieth Fairsmoke (woman warden) - Eodlarwyn Windsoft (woman captain)
  • Tahlae Highbrook (hobbit hunter) - Bosric Brighttune (hobbit minstrel)
  • Faemaril Stellbright (elf lore-master) - Telanwe Swiftgaze (elf guardian)
  • Miliori Mistydawn (dwarf rune-keeper) - Rimilan Gentlewood (dwarf champion)
I don't even have any race of Oops. 
Wow I need to stop making new characters. (But I just had to make sure they all had a spouse)


Saturday, December 28, 2013

For when I can make new characters.

I'm hoping to get a 3 month VIP subscription to LOTRO for my birthday (which is April 30 so I have a while to wait) and I'm already starting to plan out who my characters will be.

First up is a woman captain from Dale.
I'm feeling names that begin with L or C. I may change it a little so that her eyes are dark but I do like that silvery/blue color.
I haven't tried out the captain class yet, I wonder if I'll enjoy it.
I do love being able to wear heavy armor.
There are so little good hairstyles to choose from for women it's not fair.
Hmmm I may want to make her hair white.
Am I trying to turn her into Storm we just don't know.

Next is a dwarf runekeeper from the Iron Hills.
I've never created a dwarf so I'm kind of excited to be able to play as one!
Yes I see that he's dressed as a minstrel, let's just ignore that.
Dwarves have such COOL hair options! Lots of braids and long beards.
His name will probably begin with an I or D.

I also want to make a champion, an elf from Lorien.
His name will begin with an E I've already decided.
Also I've decided to pair him with my elf hunter, Malyndael. Yup.

Saturday, December 14, 2013


When I started LOTRO a couple years ago I didn't know I would get so attached to my characters. Well it took a while, I deleted my first two a while back. Mostly because I had no idea what I was doing and I sucked. I was a horrible LOTRO player. I'm still not great but at least I know how to walk in a straight line now! My first (new) character is an elf hunter from Rivendell named Malyndael, but my second character ended up becoming my favorite. (Sorry to all of my other characters!)

This is my main, Alellea Inkwell, a guardian from the Shire. She loves watching the sun set (yes I see the corniness), freshly baked bread (she's a horrible baker but luckily her mom is one of the best bakers in all of the Shire) and pouring over her father's maps. She's from a family of six, her mother, father, and three younger siblings.

After losing her father a few years back, Alellea took on the responsibility to take care of her two brothers and sister. Her story isn't an extremely uncommon one, but it's a sad one nonetheless. She works hard to help raise her younger siblings along side her mother.

Alellea is only 24, still in her tweens, and her siblings are six (Aldrell - the youngest), eight (Areldoc) and 15 (Althenia). Her mother, Althelle, is a very skilled cook and baker but she works as a teacher, helping mold the minds of young hobbit children. Her father, Thaendro, was an artistic soul and expressed his talent through his maps. He enjoyed going on the occasional journey, but never beyond Bree. He always liked being close to his family in Hobbiton and never liked to be away for too long. Alellea grew up learning the art of cartography from her father and she was fascinated by the lines her father drew and places he would talk about. Out of all of the children, she showed the most interest in her father's profession. Her father's "study" was (and still is) filled with bookshelves full of parchment, boxes of quills, bottles of inks in almost every color imaginable and the faint smell of pipe-weed and lemons.

She doesn't mind wearing a dress every once in a while but she prefers to wear jackets and trousers - since it's more comfortable to travel in. While her father was alive, she sometimes went with him when he traveled all across the Shire and she would work on her own maps. The journeys always took a long time because Alellea would keep stopping and sketching everything that caught her eye. Now she prefers to journey alone, but that could be because she doesn't like going places with other people as much as her dad. She makes sure to have her fathers "lucky" quill on her whenever she's traveling. She still makes multiple stops to sketch, but her pony, Thea, is used to it so she doesn't mind.

Alellea is a quiet soul, not a big fan of big gatherings and parties. She'll happily spend an entire day studying her father's maps and the ones he received over the years from fellow travelers. I would say she's shy as well, only having a few close friends, but that doesn't bother her. Her closest friend is a hobbit hunter named Tahlae Highbrook.

Aldrell constantly begs Alellea to draw him pictures of far off lands and animals and she is always happy to oblige. Alellea currently lives on her own now but she's only a few holes away from her family. Just the way she likes it. She now has a good sized collection of her own maps and even some designs of hobbit holes she hopes to build one day, but it's far fetched since she's not skilled in construction. The walls in her home are filled with her father's maps and drawings, but her favorite one is hung above her bed. It's an unfinished drawing of Alellea and her siblings sleeping on the floor in her family's home in front of the fire. It's also her mother's favorite but she didn't mind parting with it because she knew it made Alellea happy.

Okay this turned out to be MUCH longer than I expected. I should probably sleep now, goodnight.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

More and more LOTRO.

I purchased an expansion pack from LOTRO today because it was on sale for $19.99, it came with the Moria, Mirkwood, Isengard and Rohan expansions. Not only that but I got two new character slots, the Warden and Rune keeper classes and two new steeds! I had no idea about the new steeds so it was a nice surprise to see them in my inventory.

Steed of the Eastemnet
Red-clad Horse of the Gap
I made a woman from Gondor Warden character today and named her Niralieth. She's level 12 right now and still questing around Combe. It's fun so far playing as a Warden...I think defense classes are my favorite. (I love being a guardian!) I'm still learning what it takes to be this class, so many different combinations for fighting! Maybe I'll make a cheat sheet and study it so I'll be prepared when going against baddies.

I maaaaay have made another new character.... this time an elf champion named Elthiriond. He's my first male character! Well, I did make one a long time ago, a man named Ethrilhelm, but that was on a different account and I can't even remember what my username/email was.
Elthiriond is a smirker and has a really sweet hairdo.

Now what I want to do is explore my characters more, meaning I want to figure out their personalities and likes and dislikes. I have it almost figured out for my main, Alellea, but not quite.
Four characters. Alellea (hobbit guardian), Malyndael (elf hunter), Niralieth (woman warden), Elthiriond (elf champion), I wonder if I can keep up!
I do have one more character slot left for Landroval...hmmmmmmm. Another hobbit perhaps?

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


I got my fifth pony today, the Prized Mathom Society Steed! I've been so excited to get this pony, not only because it's beautiful but because it reminds me of one of the pet rabbits I had growing up, Oreo. I really should stop spending all of my coins on ponies.....naaah. (Starter pony not shown)

This was the first pony I got after the starter one. It's the Spooky Steed of the Bat that I got during the Harvest Festival this year. I decided to name him Mal.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Home sweet home!

I caved and bought myself a hobbit home in LOTRO today. My wallet is no where as full as it used to be but I can fill it up again. I'm pretty excited! Once I get enough money I'll pay my upkeep to last me for a while so I won't have to worry about it.

This is my new home! I'm going to have to do some serious decorating to make it look nice. I think my hobbit guardian, Alellea is happy.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

My Journey to Rivendell

Last week I decided to try and travel to Rivendell alone in LOTRO. I needed to get to the Hall of Fire to drink a couple wines for an Inn League Quest. I'm only level 31 so I was a little scared that I would die. I made the mistake of going at night and almost fainted when I saw trolls patrolling the roads. I immediately RAN away and peeked around a rock till the sun came up. As soon as it was clear I made a dash for the Ford of Bruinen. I freaked out a little I finally got there. It's BEAUTIFUL. Well the Trollshaws in general is beautiful.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Rainy Day in the Shire

When I was playing LOTRO the other day it was raining so I took screenshots. I always take screenshots.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


As I was questing in the Lone-lands I passed by some strange creatures. I didn't know what they were so I clicked on one and it was an Earth-kin. I started panicking when I saw it was level 85, thought it was going to attack me!
Had to bring the leader some peace offerings and then I saw THIS. DUDE.

Took some screenshots (of course) because I thought he looked awesome.
Even put my texture setting on high, didn't know what I was missing!


Ended up playing LOTRO for three hours today. Still questing in the Lone-lands, and I got to meet Radagast! I was wondering when I was going to get to see him.
Got my hobbit guardian, Alellea, to level 28. Almost to 30!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Day in the Lone-lands

Played some LOTRO today after not playing for over two months. My main is a hobbit guardian named Alellea. I didn't realize how much I missed her!

I spent some time in the Lone-lands trying to complete deeds (gotta get those damn turbine points, you know). Stuck around till the sun came up to take many some screenshots.

The graphics in this game are so beautiful. The clouds move! I'll gladly spend a long time just staring at the sky.

Here's a small group of the shots I took.