Saturday, August 24, 2013

Welcome. Willkommen to Kino Das Bang Bang Boom Boom 1970 Gjong-Hai Ich Habe Eisen Diese Nacht Willkommen 2004.

I've decided to completely start over and create a new blog. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the best at updating... or writing interesting posts.

I do have tumblr blogs, but that's not the same type of blogging. And now that I have a ridiculous amount of followers on my main tumblr (currently over 12,000), it's gotten difficult to voice my thoughts and opinions without being attacked. I've lost sight of what blogging really is. So that's why I'm here!

I'll be writing about my thoughts, annoyances, hope & dreams and anything else I like. This will be a personal blog!

And I hope all of you know where the title of this post is from.

Facebook | Tumblr | Twitter (I do have another more personal twitter but it's a secret... sort of)


  1. Oh yes, I do know where that title is from, haha! I'm looking forward to what you'll post!

  2. ...and I'm very happy that you decided to keep running a personal blog! Alice

  3. I agree with Alice! I can't wait to read more from you :)
